Biases associated with the use of a playback in stopover ecology studies of Bluethroats Luscinia svecica /
Arizaga, A., Musseau, R., Laso, M., Esparza, X., Unamuno, E., Azkona, A., Fontanilles, P.
-- [S.l.]: British Trust for Ornithology, 3/2015.
Abstract: The effects of playback use on number of captures, recaptures, fuel load, and age and sex ratios, and so potential bias in stopover studies in migrant Bluethroats was investigated. Playback promoted biases in the number of captures (although this was site-dependent) and fuel load. We strongly advise against the systematic use of playback to sample Bluethroats at constant effort sites or other type of ringing station, especially if studying fuel loads.
Arizaga, A., Musseau, R., Laso, M., Esparza, X., Unamuno, E., Azkona, A., Fontanilles, P. 2015.Biases associated with the use of a playback in stopover ecology studies of Bluethroats Luscinia svecica. Bird Study 62(2): 280-284. DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2015.1021239.
Nota científica
Abstract: The effects of playback use on number of captures, recaptures, fuel load, and age and sex ratios, and so potential bias in stopover studies in migrant Bluethroats was investigated. Playback promoted biases in the number of captures (although this was site-dependent) and fuel load. We strongly advise against the systematic use of playback to sample Bluethroats at constant effort sites or other type of ringing station, especially if studying fuel loads.
Arizaga, A., Musseau, R., Laso, M., Esparza, X., Unamuno, E., Azkona, A., Fontanilles, P. 2015.Biases associated with the use of a playback in stopover ecology studies of Bluethroats Luscinia svecica. Bird Study 62(2): 280-284. DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2015.1021239.
Nota científica