Pizarras numerales de época posromana y contextos arqueológicos: el yacimiento de El Castillón (Santa Eulalia de Tábara, Zamora) / Iñaki Martín Viso, José Carlos Sastre Blanco, Raúl Catalán Ramos, Patricia Fuentes Melgar.
Contributor(s): Martín Viso, Iñaki | Sastre Blanco, J. C | Catalán Ramos, R | Fuentes Melgar, P.
Material type: Continuing resourceSeries: 71. Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia.Analytics: Show analyticsPublisher: Donostia: Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 05/2020Description: pp. 151-161.Content type: texto (visual) Media type: electrónico ISSN: 1132-2217; eISSN 2172-4555.Other title: Post-Roman numerical slates and archaeological contexts: the site of El Castillón (Santa Eulalia de Tábara, Zamora) [Parallel title].Subject(s): Pizarras numerales | Contextos arqueológicos | Asentamientos rurales fortificados | Alta Edad Media | Meseta del DueroOnline resources: Click here to access online Summary: Se presenta el hallazgo de fragmentos de pizarras numerales procedentes del sitio de El Castillón (Santa Eulalia de Tábara, Zamora). El lugar es un asentamiento rural fortificado con una ocupación de los siglos V-VI, sobre el que se construyó una iglesia en los siglos IX-X. Las pizarras proceden de la intervención en la iglesia, aunque posiblemente deban relacionarse con la ocupación posromana. En el artículo, se estudian esas pizarras numerales y se analizan como materiales de desecho de una posible oficina contable, señalando además cómo las estrategias de gestión de los residuos y el impacto de ocupaciones posteriores han podido ser determinantes en los procesos de conservación de este material. Se considera además que estaríamos ante los restos de un sistema matemático de uso extendido. Summary: El Castillon (Santa Eulalia de Tábara, Zamora) tokitik datozen arbel zati numeralen aurkikuntza aurkeztu da. Tokia gotortutako landa-kokagunea da, V-VI. mendeetan okupazioa izan zuena, eta horren gainean eraiki zen eliza bat IX-X mendeetan Arbelak elizan egindako esku-hartzean lortu ziren, baina ziurrenik erromatarren ondorengo okupazioarekin lotu beharko lirateke. Artikuluan, arbel numeral horiek aztertu dira eta kontularitzako bulego posible baten hondakin-material gisa aztertu dira; gainera, hondakinen kudeaketa-estrategiak eta ondorengo okupazioen eragina material horren kontserbazio-prozesuetan erabakigarriak izan zitezkeela adierazi da. Erabilera zabalduko sistema matematiko baten aztarnak direla uste dugu, gainera.Summary: This paper is focused on the site of El Castillón (Santa Eulalia de Tábara, Zamora) and the numerical slates found there. It was a fortified rural settlement with a strong occupation during 5th and 6th centuries, including domestic units, metallurgical kilns, a lot of pottery sherds, some of them of high-level productions, and faunal remains. After an hiatus, the site was re-occupied in the 9th-10th centuries, when a monumentalized church linked to some burials was constructed. During the excavation of that church, two small fragments of numerical slates were found as removed or reused materials. Those slates have the same features than others from different sites. But there is a clear difference with other fortified rural settlements where great concentrations of slates have been found, probably as a result of accounting needs related to the control of tolls. Those slates were not archive documents if not a preliminary note discarded once the information was copied on a different text. The management of waste was a key to understand the archaeological secondary position of those pieces and their preservation, because an intense occupation of the site may be the cause of the destruction of the slates. The hypothesis is that El Castillón seems to have been an influential “central place” in Post-Roman times, with the use of accountability in slates, a material that came from other near areas. But the construction of the church disturbed the prior waste deposits and some of the slates were part of the building operations of the 9th-10th centuries. Another conclusion is the spread of the mathematical system seen on the slates, with could be used with very different functions, so it must not be understood as a single pattern.Item type | Current location | Call number | URL | Status | Date due |
Munibe | Munibe | http://www.aranzadi.eus/fileadmin/docs/Munibe/maa.2020.71.01.pdf | Not for loan |
Se presenta el hallazgo de fragmentos de pizarras numerales procedentes del sitio de El Castillón (Santa Eulalia de Tábara, Zamora). El lugar es un asentamiento rural fortificado con una ocupación de los siglos V-VI, sobre el que se construyó una iglesia en los siglos IX-X. Las pizarras proceden de la intervención en la iglesia, aunque posiblemente deban relacionarse con la ocupación posromana. En el artículo, se
estudian esas pizarras numerales y se analizan como materiales de desecho de una posible oficina contable, señalando además cómo las estrategias de gestión de los residuos y el impacto de ocupaciones posteriores han podido ser determinantes en los procesos de conservación de este material. Se considera además que estaríamos ante los restos de un sistema matemático de uso extendido.
El Castillon (Santa Eulalia de Tábara, Zamora) tokitik datozen arbel zati numeralen aurkikuntza aurkeztu da. Tokia gotortutako landa-kokagunea da, V-VI. mendeetan okupazioa izan zuena, eta horren gainean eraiki zen eliza bat IX-X mendeetan Arbelak elizan egindako esku-hartzean lortu ziren, baina ziurrenik erromatarren ondorengo okupazioarekin lotu beharko lirateke. Artikuluan, arbel numeral horiek aztertu dira eta kontularitzako bulego posible baten hondakin-material gisa aztertu dira; gainera, hondakinen kudeaketa-estrategiak eta ondorengo okupazioen eragina material horren kontserbazio-prozesuetan erabakigarriak izan zitezkeela adierazi da. Erabilera zabalduko sistema matematiko baten aztarnak direla uste dugu, gainera.
This paper is focused on the site of El Castillón (Santa Eulalia de Tábara, Zamora) and the numerical slates found there. It was a fortified rural settlement with a strong occupation during 5th and 6th centuries, including domestic units, metallurgical kilns, a lot of pottery sherds, some of them of high-level productions, and faunal remains. After an hiatus, the site was re-occupied in the 9th-10th centuries, when a monumentalized church linked to some burials was constructed. During the excavation of that church, two small fragments of numerical slates were found as removed or reused materials. Those slates have the same features than others from different sites. But there is a clear difference with other fortified rural settlements where great concentrations of slates have been found, probably as a result of accounting needs related to the control of tolls. Those slates were not archive documents if not a preliminary note discarded once the information was copied on a different text. The management of waste was a key to understand the archaeological secondary position of those pieces and their preservation, because an intense occupation of the site may be the cause of the destruction of the slates. The hypothesis is that El Castillón seems to have been an influential “central place” in Post-Roman times, with the use of accountability in slates, a material that came from other near areas. But the construction of the church disturbed the prior waste deposits and some of the slates were part of the building operations of the 9th-10th
centuries. Another conclusion is the spread of the mathematical system seen on the slates, with could be used with very different functions, so it must not be understood as a single pattern.
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